February 28, 2008

My Dad is already teaching me how to play baseball!

Robert loves to be outside. And if he could, he would be outside ALL the time! We have to have lots of time devoted to being outside, because if you try to bring him inside before he's ready, he's going to throw a HUGE fit!! So Auntie Karen got him a T-ball set for Christmas, and he's finally getting to enjoy it. Daddy loves to play ball with Robert! He very quickly learned how to use the bat to hit the ball and how to put the ball back up on the tee. It's definitely his new favorite outdoor activity! Plus, Dolly really likes to play too!

I can brush my own teeth!

Check me out! I like to wear pajamas with trucks and I like to brush my teeth!

February 27, 2008

"Official" Month 1 Pregnancy Photo

So here's me at one month pregnant, and I'll post one every month until I pop! I did this when I was pregnant with Robert, and it is kind of fun to watch me grow as big as a "water-retaining sea cow". So far, no barfing or morning sickness! But I'll keep you all informed if/when that happens, because I know you're dying to hear all about it. After all, that's what a blog is all about, right??

February 22, 2008

My First Blog!

So I was inspired by my friend Crystal to start a blog. I love reading hers and from there reading all of her adoption buddies' blogs. Not that I have any exciting and scary and adventurous adoption stories to tell. But I do have an adorable toddler and a baby on the way (and a puppy on the way!). So I thought this would be a good way to share what's happening in our lives with people we don't get to see or talk to very often!

So, we'll see how it goes! Wish me luck!