Well, here he is! Stephen Hunter Till joined our family at 8:47 a.m. on October 14. He was 21 1/4 inches long and a whopping 9 pounds, 7 ounces.

At about 4:30 that morning, I woke up and thought I just had to pee.... but as soon as I got up, my water broke and the birthday party was starting!! Gary's mom rushed over to stay at the house with Robert, while Gary and I finished packing our hospital bag. We arrived at the hospital to find that we were one of many also having a baby near the full moon. All of the birthing rooms at the hospital were full, so we were taken to a triage room first. We anxiously made phone calls and got ready for surgery. Gary still hadn't shaved his beard or gotten a haircut from his hunting trip, so he looked like sasquatch all dressed up in scrubs. The c-section went smoothly, and I was a lot more mentally prepared for it than I was with Robert!! Gary came in to hold my hand and take pictures and after a very short time, I heard Stephen's first cries. Which of course made me cry. It seemed like forever before they got him cleaned up and Gary could bring him over for me to see. What a cutie! And blonde hair!! Weird.
After getting stitched up, they took me back to my room to recover. We had to have an overflow room, since all the birthing center rooms were full! We soon discovered that Stephen is completely different than Robert was! He sleeps! We stayed at the hospital until Friday. Coming home was nice, but I really miss that hospital bed. Our big, giant, soft bed is really hard to get in and out of. But hopefully I will heal quickly and not have to deal with that for too long. Stephen has been eating well and sleeping great at night (and during the day).
So, that's it for now! Here's some pictures to enjoy....
Consider this one my "Official Month Nine Photo"
Fresh from the oven
Meeting big brother Robert