Here's Dad helping with boots...

After getting stitched up, they took me back to my room to recover. We had to have an overflow room, since all the birthing center rooms were full! We soon discovered that Stephen is completely different than Robert was! He sleeps! We stayed at the hospital until Friday. Coming home was nice, but I really miss that hospital bed. Our big, giant, soft bed is really hard to get in and out of. But hopefully I will heal quickly and not have to deal with that for too long. Stephen has been eating well and sleeping great at night (and during the day).
So, that's it for now! Here's some pictures to enjoy....
Consider this one my "Official Month Nine Photo"
Oh my! Is that a beached whale or just pregnant Colleen?? I can't tell. I'm way behind posting this, but actually took it at the proper "Month Seven" date. And yes, it's almost "Month Eight" and I am even huger. And I don't care that "huge-er" isn't a word! I am getting quite miserable and can't put regular shoes on anymore. I pretty much gave up on housecleaning and completely gave up on my vegetable garden. I've gotten Robert to help a little by picking up his toys. Now if I could just get Gary to pick up his toys...
Oh no!!! A wiener dog is attacking my son!!!
Kirby fell asleep on Robert's chair. I love that his tongue was sticking out while he was sleeping!
Doesn't Robert look cute in Frances' pink hat?? He's so comfortable in his manhood, he can wear anything!
This picture cracks me up. Poor Frances has a HUGE weight on her lap and Robert the gentleman doesn't care!
I know, I'm WAY late posting this picture! But this was me at about four months plus a week or so. I'm feeling good and have lots of energy back for chasing after Robert! We go to the doctor tomorrow for the 20-week ultrasound and if the baby cooperates, we'll know whether it's a boy or girl! Be sure to vote what you think it is in the upper right-hand corner of this blog!